Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Ohm" with me on the pink mat!

Teacher Training Day One: (Wednesday 7p-10p)

Due to San Diego's inclement weather the parking lot pulling up to the Point Loma Core Power Yoga (CPY) location was pure madness. I finally was able to squeeze the jelly (name for my Toyota Yaris) into a space made for a smart car. I walked into the lobby of CPY and there were hundreds of men and women all waiting for the C3 (level 3 power yoga) class to get out. Once the class finally filtered out we made our way into studio #1 to begin our first night of yoga teacher training. 

There were over 100 people in one room from studio's all over San Diego. There were hot power fusion students from UTC, power yoga students from Pacific Beach and then both hot power fusion and power students from the Point Loma location. Just like in any first class they asked us to walk around the room and try and meet as many people as we could in 15 minutes. This was a nice opportunity to see who would be in my group for the weekend sessions where we meet at our home studio rather then in this large group. I also learned the different reasons that people have decided to take on this challenge of becoming a certified yoga teacher which turned out to be very different then I imagined. After meeting the people in the room and acquainting myself with the people sitting next to me it was time to get down to business. We received our manuals that will serve as our bibles for the next 9 weeks. As a group we went over the logistics of what to expect during the next 9 weeks:

*Meetings will be Wednesday 7p-10p ( All studios come together for lecture)

*Saturday and Sunday- Meet at home studio for technique/adjustment courses

*Each week we are required to observe 2 classes and attend an additional 3 classes. ( 5 total per week)

*10 hours of journaling, reading and meditation on your own ( my blog will serve as my journaling)

Breakdown of program hours:
Techniques: 100 hours
Teaching Methodology: 25 hours
Anatomy and Physiology: 20 hours
Philosphy/Lifestyle/Ethics: 30 hours
Practicum: 10 hours
Balance of hours: 15 hours
Contact hours (minimum): 180 hours

Looks like I am going to be a busy yogi for the next 9 weeks. 

We then broke into groups to go over the principles of being a yoga teacher and the principles that corepower lives by. 

Physical yoga postures.Breath (Prana). Flow (Vinyasa). Heat (Tapas).Gaze (Drishti) and Focus (Dharana). Alignment and Safety. Abdominal Lock (Uddiyana Bandha). Establish Rhythm. Set Students up for Success. HAVE FUN.

Things that I took from this portion of class is:

Vinyasa Flow: Self forgiveness being in the movement, moving meditation, self control
Heat: Practice at a deeper, detoxifying force for the body, self control in challenging situations
Dristi and Dharana: Coming back to focus, Process of being one with your practive
Alignment and Safety: Being verbally descriptive with postures, flowing at a comfortable pace for all levels
Uddiyana Bandha: energy at the core, solid foundation for the body, protecting the back and mind
Establish Rhythm:  Setting pace with your breath, Being predictable for your students, consistency, being present for your students

There is so much that goes into one single yoga class, it will be very intersting to learn how all these principles create a positive atmosphere for both the student and the teacher. 

My yoga class will be controlled by my breathing, I have to take breaths and verbalize these breaths to pace my class. I found this very interesting that the breath controls the flow and the foundation of the practice.

I am excited to start this new adventure. I hope to learn a lot and take in all that I can. You can only take in what you put out. I am going to give 100%.  They say I will be a changed person when it's all said and done. It's life changing!

Follow me on the mat to hear my yoga teacher training stories, inspirations and thoughts. 


1 comment:

  1. awesome! I cant wait to learn some rad stuff from youuuuu!
