Setting up the love bottles for the Soiree on The Strand in Oceanside, CA
I wrapped some bottles in Valentine decor to put on display
Spreading the love on the shore
Love Bottle display; Eco-Friendly bottles that are good for the heart and don't leech harsh chemicals
All set-up and ready to go, they conveniently put us right next to the FREE valentine cupcakes :)
A beautiful California day on the beach
Our "Love Bottle Man".... Check out his love bottle shirt!
Local charities and non-profit organizations came together to spread love and peace
All water proceeds were donated, if only their water was in glass.... LOVE BOTTLE?
Soiree on the Strand turned out to be a fun event with live music and vendors from around the world. I know the people who purchased love bottles will enjoy drinking their water from glass. (It tastes so much better) and hopefully they can spread the love with their friends and families.
A big thank you for all that came out to the event. Also, a big thanks to my friends and loved ones for helping me set-up and provide me with such wonderful photos. (D.W) Very professional!
Yoga Teacher Training starts tonight... I will be blogging about my experience. The blog posts will be titled "Ohm with me on the pink mat!"
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